Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome!

    • Before we begin...

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    Explore the LANSA IDE

    • Lesson 1. Starting LANSA

    • Lesson 1 - Starting LANSA

    • Lesson 2. LANSA Editor Parts

    • Lesson 2. LANSA Editor Parts

    • Lesson 3. Repository Tab

    • Lesson 3. Repository Tab

    • Lesson 4. Details, Outline, Favorites Tab

    • Lesson 4. Details, Outline, Favorites Tab

    • Test your learning

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    LANSA's Source Code Tools

    • Lesson 1: Formatting Source Code

    • Lesson 1. Formatting Source Code

    • Lesson 2: Edit Source Code

    • Lesson 2. Edit Source Code

    • Lesson 3: AutoComplete and Command Assistant

    • Lesson 3. Auto Complete and Command Assistant

    • Lesson 4: Execute a Windows Application

    • Lesson 5: Execute a Web Application

    • Lesson 5. Execute a Web Application

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    Get Started with Web Development

    • Welcome!

    • Download: MobileWebApp.Zip

    • Lesson 1: Import a Mobile Web Application

    • Lesson 1: Import a MobileWeb Application

    • Lesson 2: Review the Supplied Application

    • Lesson 2: Review the Supplied Application

    • Lesson 3: Change View 2 Placeholder to Employees View

    • Lesson 3: Change View 2 Placeholder to Employees View

    • Lesson 4: Extend the Server Module to Get Employee

    • Lesson 4: Extend Server Module to Get Employees

    • Lesson 5: Program Employees View to List all Employees

    • Lesson 5: Program Employees View to List all Employees

    • Lesson 6: Create the Employee Details Dialog

    • Lesson 6: Create the Employee Details Dialog

    • Lesson 7: Extend Server Module to Fetch Employee Details

    • Lesson 7: Extend Server Module to Fetch Employee Details

    • Test your learning

    • Lesson 8: Add Display Logic to Employee Details

    • Lesson 8: Add Display Logic to Employee Details

    • Lesson 9: Enhance the Server Module to Save and Delete Employee

    • Lesson 9: Enhance the Server Module to Save and Delete Employee

    • Lesson 10: Add Save Logic to Employee Details

    • Lesson 10: Add Save Logic to Employee Details

    • Lesson 11: Add Delete Logic to Employee Details

    • Lesson 11: Add Delete Logic to Employee Details

    • Lesson 12: Add a New Column to Employee Details Dialog

    • Lesson 12: Add a New Column to Employee Details Dialog

    • Lesson 13: Add a Validation Rule to Employee Mobile Phone Number

    • Lesson 13: Add a Validation Rule to Employee Mobile Phone Number

    • Lesson 14: Add a Virtual Column to Table xEmployee

    • Lesson 14: Add a Virtual Field to Table xEmployee

    • Lesson 15: Add Employee Thumbnail Image to Employees View

    • Lesson 15: Add Employee Thumbnail Image to Employees View

    • Lesson 16: Import Sample Material to IBM i

    • Lesson 16: Import Sample Material to IBM i

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    LANSA's Web Architecture

    • Lesson 1: LANSA Web Architecture